Cloud Native Observability: The New Normal for Enterprises

Building customer
trust by ensuring
data security


Our Security Commitment

Middleware works tirelessly to ensure the protection of Customers’ data within its custody and is committed to continuous improvements to its information security management practices. Middleware aims to ensure that appropriate confidentiality, privacy, integrity, and availability practices are maintained in accordance with the requirements of data security standards as outlined by the SOC2 Trust Service Principles.

We ensure that its security commitments are well documented and illustrated to user entities through our website, contract agreement, or in service level agreement.

Organizational Security & Compliance

Middleware is committed to ensuring that personal data obtained and processed is done in accordance with associated regulations and/or code of conduct laid out by SOC2 Trust Service Principles, HIPAA, GDPR and its principles. Formal IT policies and procedures exist that describe physical security, logical access, operations, change control, and data communication standards.

Personnel Security & Training

Middleware’s workforce includes partners, regular employees, and independent contractors who have direct access to Middleware’s internal information systems. Middleware’s personnel policies and practices relating to employee hiring, orientation, training, evaluation, counseling, promotion, and disciplinary activities. Security and Privacy training are performed upon hire and on a semi-annual basis, which includes but is not limited to device security, acceptable use, malware prevention, data privacy, and incident reporting and data breach procedures. All employees must acknowledge the confidentiality terms they’ve read and follow Middleware’s information security policies at least annually. Issues related to security and privacy are required to be reported immediately to the Compliance team. Upon termination of work at Middleware, all access to Middleware systems is removed without undue delay.

Physical Security

Middleware is exclusively hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) facilities (us-east-1) in Northern Virginia, USA, which provides robust, physical data center security and environmental controls. AWS provides secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure. Middleware’s corporate offices all require badge access for entry, maintain video surveillance, and require all visitors to sign in and be accompanied when present.

Security by Design

Middleware understands the security risk associated with software changes introduced during Secure Development Lifecycle. Our security team adheres to OWASP Top 10 to categorize risks as High, Medium or Low. All updates or changes to the production system, be they code or system configuration changes, require review before deployment to the production environment. Middleware applies change control requirements to systems that store data at higher sensitivity levels, including Personally Identifiable Information.

Infrastructure Security

Middleware network, infrastructure and architecture have multiple protection layers that ensure the highest levels of security and control, which includes:

Multi-factor authentication over HTTPS encrypted protocol controls access to our production networks. Strict Firewall rules restrict access to vulnerable ports to ensure secure and limited access to the production environment. Our corporate network also utilizes intrusion detection systems to identify potential security threats.

Users can log in with their unique username and password with specific authorization and permission levels controlled by the account administrator.

Password complexity conforms to defined password standards and configuration.

Access to data, system utilities, and program source code libraries are controlled and restricted to those authorized users with legitimate business needs.

Responsibilities and duties are well segregated to avoid repudiation and in-compatibility of responsibilities.

Middleware services are hosted in an advanced data center operated by a recognized industry leader Amazon Web Services (AWS). Our vendor adheres to the highest industry standards of quality, security and reliability and continuously monitors the environment using automated compliance checks based on the AWS best practices and industry-recognized standards.

Application Security

Middleware network, infrastructure and architecture have multiple protection layers that ensure the highest levels of security control, which includes:

Vulnerability scans are performed at least quarterly on the environment to identify control gaps and vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities found are resolved within the timeframe by our security team.

A third party performs penetration testing annually to identify and exploit vulnerabilities identified within the environment.

Middleware has documented incident response, and escalation procedures for reporting security incidents are adopted to guide users in identifying, reporting and mitigating failures, incidents, concerns, and other complaints.

When security events are detected, they are escalated to the respective response team; the response time to address the event is 2 hours. We make sure to notify the supervisory authority of Personal Data Breach within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach.

All data sent to or from Middleware is encrypted in transit using AES256 bit encryption. Middleware uses end-to-end encryption for Data in transit, ensuring that only communicating users can read what is sent and nobody in between, even Middleware.

Middleware uses a Security Hash Algorithm (SHA2) for all password entries. Middleware stores the customers’ sensitive data such as Name, Email, Phone Numbers, Remarks, and chat transcripts in MySQL Database.

Data is encrypted automatically, in real-time, before writing to storage. As a result, hackers and malicious users cannot read sensitive data from tablespace files, database backups or disks.

Middleware ensures that the customers can balance the need to store backups at multiple locations in case of a disaster with the need to keep their data out of certain geographies. AWS provides clear data maps and geographic boundary information for all data centers. A disaster recovery plan is tested on an annual basis.

As an Application Service Provider, Middleware collects Personal information such as Name, email address, contact details, and information related to browsing on behalf of the brand and use of our app.

Customer data will be deleted from Middleware systems upon the termination of the account or data retention expiration deadlines. Middleware hard deletes all information from currently running production systems. Backups are destroyed within 15 days. Middleware follows industry standards and advanced techniques for data destruction.

A multi-layered approach is implemented by Middleware to support its People, Process, and Technological security requirements. If you want more advice and help, get in touch with our Compliance team at

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  • One-click setup
  • Highly scalable