Cloud Native Observability: The New Normal for Enterprises

Complete front- to back-end visibility. Distributed traces from Middleware.

Observe and track requests as they move through your distributed systems, with full visibility into the journey.

Middleware distributed-tracing

Trusted by Companies


Follow your data wherever it leads.
No gaps, no blind spots.

Trace user interactions across the entire journey, identifying the full extent of user
issues and errors.

Complete system visibility and context at scale


Reduce troubleshooting time and MTTR

Empower your support team to identify & resolve front- and back-end issues quickly.


Gain full context into service relationships

Visualize connections between data to gain insights into root causes and impact radius.


Improve team collab. and productivity

Gain full clarity as to the source of errors and the teams responsible for fixing them.

Collect traces from the first moment of interaction

Whether a user fills out a form or interacts with your system in another way, Middleware automatically begins collecting, analyzing, and contextualizing trace data.

Collecting, analyzing, and contextualize traces data using distributed tracing from Middleware
View all interactions

View all interactions on a user level with auto-generated flame graphs

Correlate Interactions

Correlate specific user interactions and transactions to root causes

Data from multiple sources

Aggregate data from multiple sources to eliminate gaps within the trace


Reduce MTTR with root cause analysis

Don’t spend more time than necessary resolving errors when they arise. Connect the dots to find the root cause of any issue.

  • Spot both the system causing the issue, and all other connected systems that could be affected
  • Determine a precise course of action to resolve the error via monitoring workloads
  • Find visibility into bottlenecks that may affect application performance

Support your observability needs at scale

With out-of-the-box functionality and AI-powered automation, Middleware’s powerful processing capabilities support your needs, whether large or small.

  • Service complex, modern cloud-native architectures, as well as on-prem or hybrid environments
  • View telemetry data through dashboards and workflows that identify and surface critical metrics
  • Automatically set up tracing as you add new systems and technologies to your stack
support observability needs using distributed tracing

Our top features


End-to-end distributed tracing

Follow each request from the source to see root causes & fix errors faster.


Continuous profiler

Analyze program complexity to identify which functions are using the most resources.


Metric & log correlation

Connect the dots to find root causes and measure the impact radius of an error.


Live query

Search and analyze all your traces in real-time with tag-based queries.


Resource optimization

Streamline your performance by identifying high-resource functions & fixing them.


Deployment tracking & versioning

Track all deployments and versions over a set period so you can continuously improve.

Gain complete visibility into data from AWS, Google Cloud Services, Kubernetes, Azure, and more 50+ integrations

Eliminate silos with 50+ integrations

Gain complete visibility into data from AWS, Google Cloud Services, Kubernetes, Azure, and more with Middleware’s vendor-agnostic framework.

  • Use identifiers and tags to correlate specific user interactions to the appropriate system
  • Gather traces that link a specific transaction’s span across your entire infrastructure
  • Collect traces from different coding languages, distributed microservices, and more

Solve problems at the source.
See Middleware Observability in action.

  • Free forever
  • One-click setup
  • Highly scalable